Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sealy Posturepedic Optimum Destiny Gel Memory Foam Mattress

Sealy Posturepedic Optimum Destiny Gel Memory Foam Queen MattressWe purchased the Sealy Optimum Destiny after much research. Our mattress was almost 20 years old and both my husband and I suffered from terrible lower back pain. First we had to determine whether or not we wanted a innerspring or memory foam. We had decided that a memory foam was out of our price range and I was a little worried about some of the things I had read about the heat and smell of memory foam mattress. When we went Mattress shopping, we had fully intended to buy a Sealy Perfect Sleeper. However, we were suprised to learn that we could get the new Sealy Optimum for just a hundred more than the Perfect Sleeper model we had picked out. I was still a little hesitant about the memory foam, but Sealy had a 90 day return policy so I thought if we hated it we could take it back and get an innerspring. We have had the mattress for little over a month now and here are my pros and cons about it.

The Pros:

*Very good looking mattress quilted top and nice design

*In the month we've had it, neither my husband nor I have woken up to back pain

*Great motion isolation I didn't believe the claims about not feeling the other person move, but it's true with this mattress

*No noise at all from this mattress

*Height on the mattress is normal so all the sheets I've purchased fit great

*No heat issues thus far

*No grooves or "valleys" left after sleeping in one area for prolonged time like other reviews I've read about other memory foam mattresses

The Cons:

*The Destiny is a firm mattress very firm I have never had a firm mattress before so it took some getting used to because in the past I have always liked what I considered a "cushy" mattress (however, I believe this is also what helped with my back pain, so this one is really a pro/con)

*There is a smell to this mattress and yes, every new mattress has a smell, but this is a little different. I have a very sensitive nose, so I was a little worried about it. We took the plastic cover it came in off the mattress and let it sit out for 3 days, which helped tremendously. There was still a pretty strong smell to it the first week, however, it has disipated alot. You can still smell it when you first get in the bed and whenever you take your sheets off to wash them. It helped us to wash our sheets and mattress cover every couple of days for the first week. Now, I can barely smell it and only when I take the sheets off.

I would say that the pros to this mattress outweigh the cons, especially once the initial smell or "off gassing" goes away. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to the memory foam in general, but now I am loving my firm mattress. I am a hot sleeper and again, no issues with heat. If you are thinking about a memory foam but don't want to shell out over $2,000 for it, I would suggest trying the Sealy Optimum. Just make sure you try out the different models for a firmness level you can live with and check the return policy when you purchase.

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