Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dreamtime Memory Foam Sensation Bed Pillow

Dreamtime Memory Foam Sensation Bed PillowI bought this pillow at my local grocery store NO KIDDING...i am dead serious LAST WEEK!

This is the THIRD memory foam pillow i have purchased other 2 were returned.

All the others sunk when i put my head on the pillow....THIS ONE IS SOOOOOOOO firm, you would not believe it.

I have had a sore neck for 6 months. I have taken OTC meds, prescription meds, applied heat & tried the other 2 memory foam pillows....i also purchased non memory foam pillows.

When i got t his home, i was first shocked & how firm it was.

I have to admit tho...I HATE how small it is...HENCE, the reason i am purchasing TWO MORE on Amazon. I am geting ONE to add to the one i have now & hopefully can keep them close together in one pillowcase to equal one big pillow, if not, thats ok, i can keep this one for when the old one wears out.

I am getting the second one for my HUSBAND for Christmas. I'm sure he'll have a fit its so small...but ONCE he sees how comfortable it is i think he'll be happy...

If its still available after CHRISTMAS & my idea of putting 2 of them together, i will get him another one to add to his one i'm getting now.

IF YOU ARE LIKE ME & are having NO LUCK with the foam memory pillows, you gotta try this one. The other 2 that i got were TWICE the price of this haven nothing to lose as when you buy something from AMAZON & if you don't like it, the return is easy...

I have bought many things from AMAZON & love their things....i will tell you that one of the pillows that i bought that was crap WAS on Amazon, but finding this one makes me one happy ole heffer...

PLEASE keep in mind THIS IS EXTREMELY head sinks just a little, it doesn't go all the way down in the if you do NOT like a very firm memory pillow...find another one.

good luck

I did not buy this pillow on Amazon. I wasn't really looking for another memory foam pillow, but I saw this one for $19.99 in a coupon email and decided to get it. I have had two other memory foam pillows I liked, but they have worn out. I got this one, but it is way smaller than my other pillows, and much thinner. I would not get it again.

Buy Dreamtime Memory Foam Sensation Bed Pillow Now

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